Good and not-so-good news for Seattle’s economy so far in 2023 "Washington’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 3.6% in September, below the 3.8% rate nationally and where economists consider “full employment.” That compares with 4.3% for the same month in 2022 as employment gradually recovered from the pandemic." (Seattle Times)

LINCOLN PARK PICKLEBALL? Opponent keeping vigil at site; city to establish ‘work zone’ (West Seattle)

Seattle Lays Out 2030 Mode Shift Goals in Climate Framework 'Transit would jump from 11% of trips to 24% of trips by 2030 if Seattle is able to meet the goal set in its recently released “Climate Change Response Framework.” Walking, rolling, and biking, meanwhile, would collectively jump from 23% to 31% if Seattle meets the 2030 goal. Internal combustion engine vehicles would shrink from 65% of trips to 35%." (The Urbanist)

Seattle, Eastside Office Shows Upbeat Trends Amid Market Challenges "Seattle now lays claim to being the fastest growing of the top 50 U.S. cities, according to Census data. Several leading employers are also growing again. This includes Boeing, which has more hiring underway than in years’ past. Rising star Blue Origin has had about half as many open positions as Boeing over the past 12 months. The life sciences sector is further expanding as Big Pharma firms like Pfizer, Moderna and Novartis join homegrown startups with significant Puget Sound presences." (RE Business Online)